Thursday, January 03, 2019

Bible Reading Project: On Track

In September 2017, I outlined a plan for reading one page of the Bible per day. Ever seeking to celebrate small accomplishments (a good morale booster), I am pleased to report that I'm ahead of schedule.

488 days have elapsed since that post. During that time, I have read 719 pages.  That's 47% more than required by my self-imposed schedule.

Despite all this reading, I still lack the faith that Christianity requires.  But I have gained understanding, if not faith. Sometimes it's interesting reading, and soothing as well if taken in small doses.  So I shall plod on. At this rate, I should be finished in....oh, about four years.

N.B. The version I'm reading is The New Oxford Annotated Bible, College Edition, New Revised Standard Version. It's quite useful, with a nice ecumenical point of view and plenty of annotations and reference materials to make the text more accessible.