Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Conviction by Denise Mina

ConvictionConviction by Denise Mina

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I've read most of Denise Mina's novels. For some reason I can't quite recall, I read the first 50 pages or so of this one, then set it aside and picked it up again a couple of weeks later. I rarely do that, and in this case it was a mistake because this novel has a complex plot. One key character has a secret identity and a backstory that the others don't know about. Another is mentioned throughout the book but never actually appears in person until page 355. All of this made it necessary to re-read and mark up the early chapters to figure out who was who and how they were related.

The fact that I felt motivated to do that tells you how good this novel is once the action gets started. Once I picked it up again, it became one of those situations where everything was put on hold to read the hell out of this one until there was no more to read and the story was over.

Apart from the fact that I admire Mina as a writer, I also like the fact that she's active on Twitter and has even responded to my own tweets a few times. if I was a literary agent I'd urge my clients to do that. It builds the author's brand loyalty.

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