Monday, July 23, 2018

Trump's Big Hoax

I promised myself I wouldn't post this on any social media, especially Facebook. It would only ignite a battle of duelling comments. I have decided to withdraw from that conflict for reasons explained in my "Facebook User Revolt" post dated April 17. But these thoughts keep bouncing around my addled brain, demanding release. And since almost nobody comments on this blog, I suppose I'm safe in venting here. 

After the events of the past week, it is abundantly clear to me that the President of the United States of America is incapable of running this country in an orderly fashion. 

This morning,  July 23, 2018,  Donald Trump made the following statement on Twitter:  
"So President Obama knew about Russia before the Election. Why didn’t he do something about it? Why didn’t he tell our campaign? Because it is all a big hoax, that’s why, and he thought Crooked Hillary was going to win!!!"
This is the latest in a series of disturbing events. Consider the following timeline. 

January 6, 2017: The Office of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) issues the following statement:
"We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments." 
February 16, 2018: A grand jury indicts three Russian companies and 12 Russian individuals for interference in the U.S. political system.

July 13, 2018: A grand jury issues another indictment of Russians for hacking offenses related to the 2016 presidential election.

July 16, 2018: Trump holds a news conference with Vladimir Putin in which he says U.S. intelligence sources "are telling me it's Russia... I have Vladimir Putin telling me it's not Russia... I don’t see any reason why it would be.” This seems to put the credibility of a Russian president on an equal footing with that of U.S. intelligence and the U.S. Department of Justice. Trump appears to favor Putin's version.

July 16, 2018: A 29-year-old Russian woman is charged with acting as an agent of Russia within the U.S. by infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics.

July 18, 2018: Trump retracts the July 16 statement.  He claims he misspoke. He meant to say “wouldn’t be,” not “would be.” It's painful enough to see the President all tangled up in his own underwear with such a statement. But it gets murkier when he goes on to say: 
"I accept our intelligence community's conclusion that Russia's meddling in the 2016 election took place. It could be other people also. A lot of people out there." 
In the first sentence he claims to believe the U.S. intelligence findings. But the next sentence seems designed to deflect the blame away from Russia. I'm not sure what all that adds up to. What does he really believe?

Today: That brings us to today's tweet, in which he says "it's a big hoax." Is he referring to the grand jury indictments, or the special counsel's investigation of his campaign? Is he reversing himself again?  

This man is impossible to pin down. He giveth with one hand, and taketh with the other. That's a very unfortunate trait in the leader of the most powerful nation on this planet. How can such a devious president work effectively with Congress, or with other heads of state? How can he be trusted by business leaders and investors who make decisions that affect the stability of our financial markets?

I have to look away now. Based on the amount of effort I've poured into writing this, and the following list of source materials, you can see why I had to deactivate my Facebook account.

Further Reading

Office of the Director of National Intelligence. Background to Assessing Russian Activities and Intentions in Recent U.S. Elections. January 6, 2017.

U.S. Department of Justice. Grand Jury Indicts Thirteen Russian Individuals and Three Russian Companies for Scheme to Interfere in the United States Political System. Press Release. February 16, 2018. 

Mueller, Robert S. Grand Jury Indictment of Internet Research Agency. Criminal charges filed in U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Columbia. February 16, 2018.

U.S. Department of Justice. Grand Jury Indicts 12 Russian Intelligence Officers for Hacking Offenses Related to the 2016 Election. Press Release. July 13, 2018. 

Mueller, Robert S. Grand Jury Indictment of 12 Russian Intelligence Officers. Criminal charges filed in U.S. District and Bankruptcy Courts for the District of Columbia. July 13, 2018. 

U.S. Department of Justice. Russian National Charged in Conspiracy to Act as an Agent of the Russian Federation Within the United States. Press Release. July 16, 2018.   

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